COAchingcenter Berlin
Since the early 2000s, the CCB has been working as an impulse generator, coach and sparring partner for decision-makers, entrepreneurs and start-ups after the initial growth phase. In addition, the CCB passes on its knowledge as a lecturer and mentor to HR professionals and consultants as well as to aspiring coaches in our premium trainings. OPM works closely with Coaching Center Berlin in various areas.

Emilio Galli Zugaro
Emilio Galli Zugaro ist Präsident von Methodos S.p.A. Mailand, Autor und Wissenschaftler an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, wo er an der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft Kommunikative Führung lehrt, sowie Dozent an der European School of Management and Technology in Berlin. Er arbeitet als Executive Coach für Top-Manager und Unternehmer sowie als Mentor für Start-ups. Er ist Seniorberater bei FTI Consulting, Frankfurt. Während seines Studiums der Politikwissenschaft in Würzburg und Rom von 1980 bis 1985 arbeitete er in Kommunikationsfunktionen im öffentlichen Dienst in Rom. Von 1985 bis 1992 arbeitete er als Journalist für verschiedene Medien wie die italienische Ausgabe von FORTUNE, Wirtschaftswoche, L’Indipendente, Italia Oggi, Il Giornale, Finanz und Wirtschaft, The European. Für diese Medien unterhielt er Korrespondentenbüros in Italien, Deutschland und den USA und war auch als diplomatischer Korrespondent tätig. Von 1992 bis 2015 leitete er die Konzernkommunikation der Allianz SE. Er ist Mitglied der Arthur Page Society. Auch OPM konnte bereits im Rahmen verschiedener Coachings von der Expertise von Emilio Gali Zugaro profitieren.

Brand Eins
brand eins is an idea – the idea that business can be better, that it can conserve resources and give people meaningful work, and that is precisely why it is successful. We have been working on this idea for 25 years. We now present it in magazines and podcasts, at events and in corporate publishing media, and it is finding more and more friends and allies. Our goal is to inspire, to network, to impart knowledge in new ways, and to develop products for this purpose that encourage and move people. Some OPM employees (especially executives) have already taken part in various brand 1 coaching sessions for personal and professional development.

Stefan Wachtel
Stefan Wachtel holds a doctorate in speech science. He is one of the leading trainers for executive rhetoric in the German-speaking world. He has already coached executive boards of 15 of the DAX 30 companies. Previously, he conducted moderator training and coaching for ARD/ZDF pilot announcements as well as partner coaching for strategy consultancies. In the past, OPM was also able to expand its know-how in various areas through coaching by Stefan Wachtel.

Rene Borbonus
Some things are born in the cradle – in René Borbonus’ case, it was a flair for words and an enthusiasm for communication. Undeterred, he has linked his professional and personal development to the question of what constitutes good rhetoric. In over 20 years, he has developed into a master of his craft and today, as one of the best rhetoricians in the German-speaking world, sets standards in communication and presentation. OPM regularly trains its employees through various coaching and training programs in cooperation with René Borbonus.

With hands-on training and presentations from our three renowned speakers and trainers, Communico helps strengthen the company and make it distinctive. Whether through coaching, individual training, or inspiring performances by our speakers: Communico strengthens the power of communication and imparts valuable knowledge about appearance, personality, and persuasion. OPM offers its employees the opportunity to develop themselves in various subject areas in cooperation with Communico.

Beatrice Eimer’s focus is on change and the courage to go further into the future. She is an expert in the field of intrinsic motivation. With her unique way she inspires her clients and leaves an impression. Blockades, hurdles or conflicts are usually difficult to solve from the outside. With her scientifically based method, the roadmap is built from personal motivation to the entrepreneurial goal. OPM works very closely with Beatrice Eimer and has been able to successfully apply her expertise in various business areas.