Since the Tower of Babel, it has not become any easier to speak a common language. Today’s projects are no easier either.
It is always a challenge to enable team members with different backgrounds and tasks to take responsibility for achieving the common goal so that the systems, processes and resources are ready for commissioning.
Yes, several factors come together to create the conditions for sustainable project success. Whether tower, project or production – many participants, hierarchies, different departments and areas of responsibility with different speeds and schedules, divisional egoisms and silo thinking, the balancing act between construction and operation, building and equipment. All this and much more needs to be taken into account.
Some managers shy away from the consequences that ambitious targets entail. They prefer to let their departments work in peace, each to their own. If you don’t change anything, you don’t bother anyone. Many teams have become accustomed to friction and loss of information, duplication of work or gaps in performance, cost and deadline delays. If necessary, project requirements are reduced. The tower is completed sooner or later, straight or crooked, with or without major loss of resources. Some projects are also abandoned and the team scatters to the four winds.
But if you want to put up with the envy of the competition, end the language confusion in your own team, strengthen it, and reorganize it. Get started, even if the challenges are real.
With the PMO tools, we offer you the link between building and equipment, between construction and operation. Structures make complexity manageable. Processes and tools are used in such a way that the different strengths of the organizational units are optimally utilized for the project. genutzt werden.
Questions upon questions need to be asked and answered, for example: What requirements does a machine place on the company? What qualifications does the personnel manager need to provide at the start of production so that the new technology can be operated effectively? What environmental requirements must the building planner fulfill in order for the technology to be approved for commissioning? What needs to be considered in the technology specification in order to fulfill the requirements of the BMS? What are these requirements anyway?
These questions are answered in various areas. It is crucial for the success of the project that the answers are available at the right time, how they are interpreted, placed in the right places in the project, checked for their consequences and appropriate measures initiated. Translation and integration work is required here.
Impossible? It works. We have proven it in our projects: Joint venture projects with private and public participants, projects with a wide variety of contract constellations – from general contractors to individual contracts in all trades, projects with participants at different locations who joined the project at different times, with numerous sub-project areas ranging from HR management, IT, processes, logistics, technology, buildings and infrastructure to employee communication, controlling and marketing.
A first look at our toolbox will show you that we know how to translate. Babylon was yesterday. Constanze Roth 030/ 84176710